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Hybrid Tech Solutions Ltd.


Van Phong (Paul) Nguyen, CEO


MAIKA is an outsourced online customer support that services the hospitality industry. Our Mission is to help one million SME in travel industry to double their online direct customer with zero risk. What makes us unique compared to other online customer support, is our pricing model. It is designed to help us quickly acquire a new customer because of very low risk to use our services, and we charge customers only on successful transactions. However, it also requires a much higher conversion rate than market benchmarking for stable business growth. Our platform can achieve that high performance while keeping maintenance cost as affordable because of a high efficient hybrid operation model where AI modules and operators work simultaneously. It helps us deliver high quality of conversation with just 20% of operating cost in comparison to a model using humans only. Additionally, our multi-level worker system splits all conversations into multiple simple tasks then spreads those workloads to a distributed network of operators. This mechanism helps us to optimize human resources and accelerate onboarding new operators because of the low learning curve. It helps us to cut 50% of the budget on salary in comparison to a full time staff model while keeping the quality of work in the desired SLA. It is quite essential for an exponential growth stage.While building and executing complex models, we are facing a lot of challenges from cutting edge Artificial Intelligence to efficiently managing workloads of unskilled operators. A strong background in automation and entrepreneurial knowledge helps me to focus on technology solutions and accelerate go-to-market plans. I have an extensive post-secondary education and have attended several post-secondary institutes. I graduated with a Master of Automated Control of Technical and Organizational Systems, Master of Foreign Trading Management, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Navigation and Air Traffic Control. After graduation, I held careers in diverse fields from R&D, system development to technology management. In 2014, I co-founded my own company named ATADI which sells domestic air tickets online. And in 2018, after reaching the local market domination I sold the company to VNTRIP – a leading company engaged in hotel bookings in the local Vietnamese market. With my experience and  in-depth skillset, I believe our mission is obtainable and solves a needed problem within the online customer service support provided within the hospitality industry.

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Prince Edward Island
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